15 tips for a better sleep 

Healthy sleep habits can make a big difference in your quality of life. Having healthy sleep habits is often referred to as having good sleep hygiene. If you’re having trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep or your sleep may be light and restless try putting some of the below practices in place to have a more restful night

  1. Try and stick to a routine sleep schedule, i.e. go to sleep and wake up at similar times each day. This will help regulate your circadian rhythm (body clock).

  2. Avoid napping especially in the afternoon. Particularly if you have trouble falling asleep.

  3. Exercise daily, preferably in the day and not in the evenings before bed.

  4. Make your bedroom inviting for sleep, this means keep it tidy and uncluttered and allergen free, it also helps if your pillows and mattress are comfortable and supportive.

  5. Ensure the correct temperature, it will be difficult to sleep if you are too hot or too cold. A slightly cooler temp is usually recommended.

  6. To the best of your ability make your room as quiet as possible. Get some ear plugs if this is difficult.

  7. Ensure your room is dark and you sit in dark before going to sleep. Light can stimulate your circadian rhythm so by exposing yourself to light in the morning and in the daytime and then darkness at night you will help set your circadian rhythm correctly. An eye mask may help block out light while you sleep if you can’t stop external light from coming into your room.

  8. Avoid stimulants throughout the day and especially in the afternoons and evenings. This includes coffee, tea and sugar. Alcohol also disrupts your sleep and does not allow you to get into a deep restful sleep so should also be avoided.

  9. Avoid TV, computers and ipads and also your phone 1 hour before bed. The lighting can be too stimulating and disrupt your circadian rhythm.

  10. Give yourself time to wind down before bed. 1 hour before bed turn off the tv/phone/computer and have a nice relaxing bath and read a great book (not too stimulating though), this is also a great time for journaling or meditation. Try adding some Epsom salts and lavender to your bath too for extra benefit.

  11. Enjoy herbal tea before bed (make it part of your routine). Chamomile, passionflower and lemon balm are all great options. If you don’t like herbal tea’s then some warmed milk is also a nice option.

  12. Don’t keep electronics such as your phone or computer and even digital clocks next to your bed. It’s also great to switch off your Wi-Fi at night.

  13. If persistent thoughts keep you from falling asleep or wake you up through the night, do some journaling before bed (make this part of your routine if necessary) and get them all onto paper before trying to fall asleep.

  14. Do some breathing exercises and/or meditation throughout the day or before bedtime. There are many guided meditations available that you can follow, some of my favourite apps include - smiling mind, simply being, headspace and guided meditation and relaxation.

  15. Consume 3 meals throughout the day and include protein (poultry, red meat, fish and seafood, eggs, nuts, legumes, tofu and tempeh and yogurt) with each meal (particularly dinner) to balance blood sugar levels. Dinner should be light and easy to digest e.g. some grilled or baked fish, chicken or red meat with steamed greens and sweet potato mash.


Tips for meal planning