Hi, I’m Kelly.

Nutritionist, mum, avid reader, foodie, chocolate lover and beachgoer…

I love working with busy mums who are looking to improve their children’s health and understand the important role that nutrition can play in improving their overall health and well-being. Additionally, I also love working with mums themselves to restore their own health, which can often get pushed aside while they are caring for their family, it’s important that they prioritise their own health so that they can feel vibrant, nourished and energised so that they can continue doing the amazing work that they do.

As a busy mum myself, I have definitely experienced times when I have felt run down, lacking energy and my immune system suffered. I know in these times it’s easy to turn to comfort food and try to get by on coffee but eating nutritious food and being kind to yourself and allowing rest when needed can be far more beneficial in the long run.

Growing up I really didn’t know what career I wanted to follow, I wasn’t exactly studious at school but I did always have an interest in health, PE and food technology. It wasn’t until my late 20s that I decided to study nutrition! From my first lecture, I was hooked! I truly had no idea that food could be such a powerful tool and that it was the foundation of our well-being. Many years later after 2 kids, opening and running our own business, moving states and many other challenges along the way I completed my Bachelor in Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine) and I absolutely love working in this space. I love helping patients gain a better understanding of their bodies and how food and nutrients can be used to improve their state of well-being.

In my consultations, I like to work together with my clients to offer practical advice and find realistic ways in which they can incorporate these new practices into their lifestyles to make them become regular habits. I’m always conscious to not bombard you with too much confusing information as this can be too overwhelming, but rather make smaller incremental changes as our sessions go on so that in time you will have adopted a number of positive improvements that become like second nature.

My mission is for everyone to understand the importance of nutrition and how food has the ability to either make you feel really poorly or nourished and vibrant!


Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine)

Professional Registrations

Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)

“Nutrition is not low fat, it is not low calorie. It is not being hungry and feeling deprived. It is nourishing your body with real whole foods so that you are consistently satisfied and energised to live life to the fullest”